Source code for isitgr.emission_angle

This module calculates the corrections to the standard lensed CMB power spectra results due to time delay and
emission angle, following `arXiv:1706.02673 <>`_. This can be combined with the result
from the postborn module to estimate the leading corrections to the standard lensing B modes.

Corrections to T and E are negligible, and not calculated. The result for BB includes approximately contributions
from reionization, but this can optionally be turned off.

from . import isitgr, model
import numpy as np
from .bispectrum import threej

def cl_deflection_limber(results, PK, ls, nz, chi_source, emit_pow=2, lens_pow=0):
    chi_source = np.float64(chi_source)
    chis = np.linspace(0, chi_source, nz, dtype=np.float64)
    zs = results.redshift_at_comoving_radial_distance(chis)
    dchis = (chis[2:] - chis[:-2]) / 2
    chis = chis[1:-1]
    zs = zs[1:-1]
    win = 1 / (chis * chi_source) ** emit_pow
    if lens_pow:
        win *= (-(1 - chis / chi_source) / chis ** 2) ** lens_pow
    cl = np.zeros(ls.shape)
    w = np.ones(chis.shape)
    for i, l in enumerate(ls):
        k = (l + 0.5) / chis
        w[:] = 1
        w[k < 1e-4] = 0
        w[k >= PK.kmax] = 0
        cl[i] =, w * PK.P(zs, k, grid=False) * win / k ** 4)
    cl *= 4 * (ls * (ls + 1))
    return cl

[docs]def get_emission_angle_powers(camb_background, PK, chi_source, lmax=3000, acc=1, lsamp=None): r""" Get the power spectrum of :math:`\psi_d`, the potential for the emission angle, and its cross with standard lensing. Uses the Limber approximation (and assumes flat universe). :param camb_background: a CAMB results object, used for calling background functions :param PK: a matter power spectrum interpolator (from isitgr.get_matter_power_interpolator) :param chi_source: comoving radial distance of source in Mpc :param lmax: maximum L :param acc: accuracy parameter :param lsamp: L sampling for the result :return: a InterpolatedUnivariateSpline object containing :math:`L(L+1) C_L` """ from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline assert (isinstance(camb_background, isitgr.CAMBdata) and np.isclose(camb_background.Params.omk, 0)) nz = int(100 * acc) ls = lsamp or np.hstack((np.arange(2, 60, 2), np.arange(60, min(lmax, 400), 10), np.arange(min(lmax, 400), lmax, int(50. / acc)), np.arange(lmax, lmax + 1))).astype(np.float64) cl_psi_d = cl_deflection_limber(camb_background, PK, ls, nz, chi_source, emit_pow=2, lens_pow=0) cl_psi_d_cross = cl_deflection_limber(camb_background, PK, ls, nz, chi_source, emit_pow=1, lens_pow=1) return InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(ls, cl_psi_d), InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(ls, cl_psi_d_cross)
[docs]def get_emission_delay_BB(params, kmax=100, lmax=3000, non_linear=True, CMB_unit='muK', raw_cl=False, acc=1, lsamp=None, return_terms=False, include_reionization=True): r""" Get B modes from emission angle and time delay effects. Uses full-sky result from appendix of `arXiv:1706.02673 <>`_ :param params: :class:`.model.CAMBparams` instance with cosmological parameters etc. :param kmax: maximum k (in :math:`{\rm Mpc}^{-1}` units) :param lmax: maximum :math:`\ell` :param non_linear: include non-linear corrections :param CMB_unit: normalization for the result :param raw_cl: if true return :math:`C_\ell`, else :math:`\ell(\ell+1)C_\ell/2\pi` :param acc: accuracy setting, increase to test stability :param lsamp: array of :math:`\ell` values to compute output at. If not set, set to sampling good for interpolation :param return_terms: return the three sub-terms separately rather than the total :param include_reionization: approximately include reionization terms by second scattering surface :return: InterpolatedUnivariateSpline for :math:`C_\ell^{BB}` """ from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline assert (np.isclose(params.omk, 0)) camb_background = isitgr.get_background(params) chi_source = camb_background.tau0 - camb_background.tau_maxvis z_source = camb_background.redshift_at_comoving_radial_distance(chi_source) PK = isitgr.get_matter_power_interpolator(params, nonlinear=non_linear, hubble_units=False, k_hunit=False, kmax=kmax, var1=model.Transfer_Weyl, var2=model.Transfer_Weyl, zmax=z_source) assert (lmax > 250) lsampvelcl = np.hstack( (np.arange(2, 20, 2), np.arange(25, 200, 20 // acc), np.arange(220, lmax, 40 // acc))) lmax_e = max(1500, lmax * 2) pars = params.copy() pars.set_for_lmax(lmax_e, lens_potential_accuracy=1) cmb = get_source_cmb_cl(pars, CMB_unit=CMB_unit) totautoB = np.zeros(lsampvelcl.shape) totBEterm = np.zeros(lsampvelcl.shape) totBxterm = np.zeros(lsampvelcl.shape) for reion in [False, True]: if reion: if not include_reionization: break zreion = params.get_zre() chi_source = camb_background.tau0 - camb_background.conformal_time(zreion) lmax_e = 300 tag_E = 'E2' tag_zeta = 'emit2' lstep = 1 else: tag_E = 'E1' tag_zeta = 'emit1' lstep = 5 cl_psi_d_sp, cl_psi_d_x_lens_sp = get_emission_angle_powers(camb_background, PK, chi_source, lmax_e, acc, lsamp) lsarr = np.arange(2, lmax_e + 1, dtype=np.float64) llp1 = lsarr * (lsarr + 1.) cdd = cl_psi_d_sp(lsarr) * (lsarr + 2) * (lsarr - 1) * (2 * lsarr + 1) cd = cl_psi_d_sp(lsarr) / llp1 * (2 * lsarr + 1) cxdd = cl_psi_d_x_lens_sp(lsarr) * (2 * lsarr + 1) cxd = cxdd / llp1 cEE = cmb['%sx%s' % (tag_E, tag_E)][2:lmax_e + 1] / llp1 * (2 * lsarr + 1) # raw CL cEx = cmb['%sx%s' % (tag_E, tag_zeta)][2:lmax_e + 1] * (2 * lsarr + 1) cExx = cEx / llp1 czeta = cmb['%sx%s' % (tag_zeta, tag_zeta)][2:lmax_e + 1] / llp1 * (2 * lsarr + 1) for i, ll in enumerate(lsampvelcl): if reion and ll > lmax_e: break for llp in range(2, lmax_e, lstep): lp = np.float64(llp) wig = threej(llp, ll, 2, -2) minl = np.abs(llp - ll) if minl < 2: wig = wig[2 - minl:] wigx = threej(llp, ll, 0, -2) minl = max(2, np.abs(llp - ll)) maxl = min(lmax_e, np.abs(llp + ll)) off = 0 if (minl + llp + ll) % 2 == 0: off = 1 wig2 = wig[off:maxl - minl + 1:2] ** 2 totautoB[i] += lstep *, czeta[minl + off - 2:maxl + 1 - 2:2]) * cdd[llp - 2] totBEterm[i] += lstep *, cd[minl + off - 2:maxl + 1 - 2:2] - cxdd[minl + off - 2:maxl + 1 - 2:2] - (lp * (lp + 1) - ll * (ll + 1)) * cxd[minl + off - 2:maxl + 1 - 2:2] ) * cEE[llp - 2] wigx2 = wigx[off:maxl - minl + 1:2] * wig[off:maxl - minl + 1:2] totBxterm[i] += lstep * (, cExx[minl + off - 2:maxl + 1 - 2:2]) * (2 * cd[llp - 2] - ((lp * (lp + 1) - ll * (ll + 1)) * cxd[llp - 2])) -, cEx[minl + off - 2:maxl + 1 - 2:2]) * cxd[llp - 2] ) * np.sqrt(lp * (lp + 1) * (lp + 2) * (lp - 1)) fac = 1 / 2. # (4 * np.pi) [CMB CL already have 1/2pi in ] if not raw_cl: fac *= lsampvelcl * (lsampvelcl + 1) / (2 * np.pi) totautoB *= fac totBEterm *= fac totBxterm *= fac if return_terms: return InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(lsampvelcl, totautoB), \ InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(lsampvelcl, totBEterm), \ InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(lsampvelcl, totBxterm) else: return InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(lsampvelcl, totBxterm + totBEterm + totautoB)
[docs]def get_source_cmb_cl(params, CMB_unit='muK'): r""" Get the angular power spectrum of emission angle and time delay sources :math:`\psi_t`, :math:`\psi_\zeta`, as well as the perpendicular velocity and E polarization. All are returned with 1 and 2 versions, for recombination and reionization respectively. Note that this function destroys any custom sources currently configured. :param params: :class:`.model.CAMBparams` instance with cosmological parameters etc. :param CMB_unit: scale results from dimensionless, use 'muK' for :math:`\mu K^2` units :return: dictionary of power spectra, with :math:`L(L+1)/2\pi` factors. """ import sympy from sympy import diff from . import symbolic as cs assert (np.isclose(params.omk, 0)) angdist = cs.tau0 - cs.t emission_sources = { 'vperp': -(cs.sigma + cs.v_b) * cs.visibility / cs.k / angdist, 'emit': 15 * diff(cs.polter * cs.visibility, cs.t) / 8 / cs.k ** 2 / angdist, 'delay': 15 * diff(cs.polter * cs.visibility, cs.t) / 8 / cs.k ** 2 / angdist ** 2 * (cs.tau0 - cs.tau_maxvis), 'E': cs.scalar_E_source} sources = {} for key, source in list(emission_sources.items()): sources[key + '1'] = sympy.Piecewise((source, 1 / cs.a - 1 > 30), (0, True)) # recombination sources[key + '2'] = sympy.Piecewise((source, 1 / cs.a - 1 <= 30), (0, True)) # reionization params.set_custom_scalar_sources(sources, source_ell_scales={'E1': 2, 'E2': 2}) return isitgr.get_results(params).get_cmb_unlensed_scalar_array_dict(CMB_unit=CMB_unit)