Source code for isitgr.postborn

from . import isitgr, model
import numpy as np

from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline, InterpolatedUnivariateSpline

def cl_kappa_limber(results, PK, ls, nz, chi_source, chi_source2=None):
    chi_source = np.float64(chi_source)
    if chi_source2 is None:
        chi_source2 = chi_source
        chi_source2 = np.float64(chi_source2)
        if chi_source2 < chi_source:
            chi_source, chi_source2 = chi_source2, chi_source
    chis = np.linspace(0, chi_source, nz, dtype=np.float64)
    zs = results.redshift_at_comoving_radial_distance(chis)
    dchis = (chis[2:] - chis[:-2]) / 2
    chis = chis[1:-1]
    zs = zs[1:-1]
    win = (1 / chis - 1 / chi_source) * (1 / chis - 1 / chi_source2) / chis ** 2
    cl = np.zeros(ls.shape)
    w = np.ones(chis.shape)
    for i, l in enumerate(ls):
        k = (l + 0.5) / chis
        w[:] = 1
        w[k < 1e-4] = 0
        w[k >= PK.kmax] = 0
        cl[i] =, w * PK.P(zs, k, grid=False) * win / k ** 4)
    cl *= (ls * (ls + 1)) ** 2
    return cl

[docs]def get_field_rotation_power(params, kmax=100, lmax=20000, non_linear=True, z_source=None, k_per_logint=None, acc=1, lsamp=None): r""" Get field rotation power spectrum, :math:`C_L^{\omega\omega}`, following `arXiv:1605.05662 <>`_. Uses lowest Limber approximation. :param params: :class:`.model.CAMBparams` instance with cosmological parameters etc. :param kmax: maximum k (in :math:`{\rm Mpc}^{-1}` units) :param lmax: maximum L :param non_linear: include non-linear corrections :param z_source: redshift of source. If None, use peak of CMB visibility for CMB lensing :param k_per_logint: sampling to use in k :param acc: accuracy setting, increase to test stability :param lsamp: array of L values to compute output at. If not set, set to sampling good for interpolation :return: :math:`L`, :math:`C_L^{\omega\omega}`: the L sample values and corresponding rotation power """ results = isitgr.get_background(params) if z_source: chi_source = results.comoving_radial_distance(z_source) else: chi_source = results.tau0 - results.tau_maxvis z_source = results.redshift_at_comoving_radial_distance(chi_source) PK = isitgr.get_matter_power_interpolator(params, nonlinear=non_linear, hubble_units=False, k_hunit=False, kmax=kmax, k_per_logint=k_per_logint, var1=model.Transfer_Weyl, var2=model.Transfer_Weyl, zmax=z_source) return get_field_rotation_power_from_PK(params, PK, chi_source, lmax, acc, lsamp)
def get_field_rotation_power_from_PK(params, PK, chi_source, lmax=20000, acc=1, lsamp=None): results = isitgr.get_background(params) nz = int(100 * acc) if lmax < 3000: raise ValueError('field rotation assumed lmax > 3000') ls = np.hstack((np.arange(2, 400, 1), np.arange(401, 2600, int(10. / acc)), np.arange(2650, lmax, int(50. / acc)), np.arange(lmax, lmax + 1))).astype(np.float64) # get grid of C_L(chi_s,k) for different redshifts chimaxs = np.linspace(0, chi_source, nz) cls = np.zeros((nz, ls.size)) for i, chimax in enumerate(chimaxs[1:]): cl = cl_kappa_limber(results, PK, ls, nz, chimax) cls[i + 1, :] = cl cls[0, :] = 0 cl_chi = RectBivariateSpline(chimaxs, ls, cls) # Get M(L,L') matrix chis = np.linspace(0, chi_source, nz, dtype=np.float64) zs = results.redshift_at_comoving_radial_distance(chis) dchis = (chis[2:] - chis[:-2]) / 2 chis = chis[1:-1] zs = zs[1:-1] win = (1 / chis - 1 / chi_source) ** 2 / chis ** 2 w = np.ones(chis.shape) cchi = cl_chi(chis, ls, grid=True) M = np.zeros((ls.size, ls.size)) for i, ell in enumerate(ls): k = (ell + 0.5) / chis w[:] = 1 w[k < 1e-4] = 0 w[k >= PK.kmax] = 0 cl = * w * PK.P(zs, k, grid=False) * win / k ** 4, cchi) M[i, :] = cl * ell ** 4 # note we don't attempt to be accurate beyond lowest Limber Mf = RectBivariateSpline(ls, ls, np.log(M)) # L sampling for output if lsamp is None: lsamp = np.hstack((np.arange(2, 20, 2), np.arange(25, 200, 10 // acc), np.arange(220, 1200, 30 // acc), np.arange(1300, min(lmax // 2, 2600), 150 // acc), np.arange(3000, lmax // 2 + 1, 1000 // acc))) # Get field rotation (curl) spectrum. diagm = np.diag(M) diagmsp = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(ls, diagm) def high_curl_integrand(ll, lp): lp = lp.astype( r2 = (np.float64(ll) / lp) ** 2 return lp * r2 * diagmsp(lp) / np.pi clcurl = np.zeros(lsamp.shape) lsall = np.arange(2, lmax + 1, dtype=np.float64) for i, ll in enumerate(lsamp): ell = np.float64(ll) lmin = lsall[0] lpmax = min(lmax, int(max(1000, ell * 2))) if ll < 500: lcalc = lsall[0:lpmax - 2] else: # sampling in L', with denser around L~L' lcalc = np.hstack((lsall[0:20:4], lsall[29:ll - 200:35], lsall[ll - 190:ll + 210:6], lsall[ll + 220:lpmax + 60:60])) tmps = np.zeros(lcalc.shape) for ix, lp in enumerate(lcalc): llp = int(lp) lp = np.float64(lp) if abs(ll - llp) > 200 and lp > 200: nphi = 2 * int(min(lp / 10 * acc, 200)) + 1 elif ll > 2000: nphi = 2 * int(lp / 10 * acc) + 1 else: nphi = 2 * int(lp) + 1 dphi = 2 * np.pi / nphi phi = np.linspace(dphi, (nphi - 1) / 2 * dphi, (nphi - 1) // 2) # even and don't need zero w = 2 * np.ones(phi.size) cosphi = np.cos(phi) lrat = lp / ell lfact = np.sqrt(1 + lrat ** 2 - 2 * cosphi * lrat) lnorm = ell * lfact lfact[lfact <= 0] = 1 w[lnorm < lmin] = 0 w[lnorm > lmax] = 0 lnorm = np.maximum(lmin, np.minimum(lmax, lnorm)) tmps[ix] += lp *, (np.sin(phi) / lfact ** 2 * (cosphi - lrat)) ** 2 * np.exp(Mf(lnorm, lp, grid=False))) * dphi sp = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(lcalc, tmps) clcurl[i] = sp.integral(2, lpmax - 1) * 4 / (2 * np.pi) ** 2 if lpmax < lmax: tail = np.sum(high_curl_integrand(ll, lsall[lpmax - 2:])) clcurl[i] += tail return lsamp, clcurl
[docs]def get_field_rotation_BB(params, lmax=None, acc=1, CMB_unit='muK', raw_cl=False, spline=True): r""" Get the B-mode power spectrum from field post-born field rotation, based on perturbative and Limber approximations. See `arXiv:1605.05662 <>`_. :param params: :class:`.model.CAMBparams` instance with cosmological parameters etc. :param lmax: maximum :math:`\ell` :param acc: accuracy :param CMB_unit: units for CMB output relative to dimensionless :param raw_cl: return :math:`C_\ell` rather than :math:`\ell(\ell+1)C_\ell/2\pi` :param spline: return InterpolatedUnivariateSpline, otherwise return tuple of lists of :math:`\ell` and :math:`C_\ell` :return: InterpolatedUnivariateSpline (or arrays of sampled :math:`\ell` and) :math:`\ell^2 C_\ell^{BB}/(2 \pi)` (unless raw_cl, in which case just :math:`C_\ell^{BB}`) """ par_CMB = params.copy() lmax = (lmax or 10000) * 2 par_CMB.set_for_lmax(lmax) par_CMB.WantScalars = True par_CMB.WantCls = True results = isitgr.get_results(par_CMB) CE = results.get_unlensed_scalar_cls(lmax, CMB_unit=CMB_unit, raw_cl=True)[:, 1] CEsp = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np.arange(CE.shape[0]), CE) lsamp, clcurl = get_field_rotation_power(params, acc=acc) lsamp, BB = get_field_rotation_BB_integral(lsamp, clcurl, CEsp, lmax, acc=acc, raw_cl=raw_cl) if spline: return InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(lsamp, BB) else: return lsamp, BB
def get_field_rotation_BB_integral(lsamp, clcurl, cl_E_unlensed_sp, lmax=None, lsamp_out=None, acc=1, raw_cl=False): CurlSp = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(lsamp, clcurl) lmax = lmax or lsamp[-1] if lsamp_out is None: lsamp_out = np.array([L for L in lsamp if L <= lmax // 2]) Bcurl = np.zeros(lsamp_out.shape) for i, ll in enumerate(lsamp_out): ell = np.float64(ll) for llp in range(10, lmax): lp = np.float64(llp) if abs(ll - llp) > 200 and lp > 200: nphi = 2 * int(min(lp / 10 * acc, 200)) + 1 elif ll > 2000: nphi = 2 * int(lp / 10 * acc) + 1 else: nphi = 2 * int(lp) + 1 dphi = 2 * np.pi / nphi phi = np.linspace(dphi, (nphi - 1) / 2 * dphi, (nphi - 1) // 2) w = 2 * np.ones(phi.size) cosphi = np.cos(phi) sinphi = np.sin(phi) sin2phi = np.sin(2 * phi) lpp = np.sqrt(lp ** 2 + ell ** 2 - 2 * cosphi * ell * lp) w[lpp < 2] = 0 w[lpp > lmax] = 0 curls = CurlSp(lpp) dCEs = cl_E_unlensed_sp(lp) * lp * dphi crossterm = sinphi * ell * lp / lpp ** 2 Bcurl[i] +=, curls * (crossterm * sin2phi) ** 2) * dCEs Bcurl *= 4 / (2 * np.pi) ** 2 if not raw_cl: Bcurl *= lsamp_out * (lsamp_out + 1) / (2 * np.pi) return lsamp_out, Bcurl